sarah_jones Feb 02, 2013 02:02
arrow: laurel lance, primeval: emily merchant, btvs: tara/willow, torchwood, vampire academy: rose hathaway, vampire diaries: damon salvatore, xover: btvs/vampire academy, xover ship: alina/nick, primeval: dylan weir, vampire academy: eddie/jill, vampire academy: eddie castille, xover: fever/grimm, doctor who: 11, xover: btvs/vmars, xover: angel/true blood, resident evil: alice/chris, fever series, primeval: dylan/evan, fringe: alt!olivia dunham, xover: btvs/teen wolf, supernatural: castiel, primeval: becker, xover: animorphs/btvs, xover ship: eric/rebekah, xover: spn/vmars, primeval new world, xover ship: bruce/fred, thor: thor, xover: batb/vampire academy, vampire academy: lissa dragomir, btvs: dawn summers, bloodlines: adrian/sydney, xover: tvd/vampire academy, avengers: natasha romanoff, batb: catherine/vincent, veronica mars, bloodlines, twilight, doctor who: rory williams, xover: other, leverage, fever: mac/barrons, vampire academy: adrian ivashkov, xover: spn/vampire academy, vampire diaries, xover: primeval/torchwood, vampire academy: jill dragomir, harry potter: ginny weasley, blood ties, xover: hpotter/spn, lost girl: kenzi, fever: mackayla lane, xover: blood ties/lost girl, true blood: eric northman, xover: btvs/fever, harry potter: ginny/sirius, doctor who, fringe: alt!lincoln/alt!olivia, xover: spn/true blood, xover: multiple, xover: drwho/fringe, harry potter: sirius black, arrow: laurel/oliver, dollhouse, lost girl, percy jackson & the olympians, samurai girl: jake, supernatural: sam winchester, xover: batb/btvs, doctor who: doctor/river, xover ship: dawn/connor, xover: btvs/dollhouse, avengers: steve rogers, xover ship: clara/stephen, doctor who: rose tyler, vampire academy, xover, twilight: jacob black, bloodlines: eddie/jill, samurai girl, xover: angel/vampire diaries, supernatural: dean winchester, heroes of olympus, bloodlines: eddie castille, dollhouse: echo, primeval: matt anderson, arrow, avengers, vampire diaries: jeremy gilbert, avengers: other characters, btvs, vampire diaries: stefan salvatore, xover ship: eliot/jo, doctor who: mickey smith, angel: angel, primeval, vampire diaries: alaric salzman, batb: vincent keller, xover: spn/tvd, resident evil: chris redfield, fever: other characters, btvs: other characters, primeval: connor temple, doctor who: amy pond, xover: btvs/true blood, thor, angel: illyria, vampire diaries: damon/elena, xover: samurai girl/tvd, xover ship: alaric/willow, btvs: willow rosenberg, doctor who: martha/mickey, vampire diaries: caroline forbes, arrow: oliver queen, xover: animorphs/twilight, vampire academy: dimitri belikov, xover: batb/spn, doctor who: clara oswald, xover: lost girl/torchwood, avengers: tony stark, xover: btvs/twilight, supernatural, xover ship: bo/jack, iron man, xover: hpotter/heroes of olympus, doctor who: river song, avengers: bruce banner/hulk, vampire academy: christian ozera, thor: jane foster, primeval: becker/jess, supernatural: jo harvelle, xover ship: buffy/dean, xover ship: dean/veronica, animorphs, primeval: mac/sam, true blood, fringe, primeval: evan cross, xover: btvs/tvd, btvs: angel/buffy, xover ship: henry/kenzi, angel: angel/cordy, angel: other couples, primeval: mac rendell, avengers: thor, resident evil: alice, vampire academy: dimitri/rose, vampire academy: sydney sage, xover: btvs/supernatural, btvs: faith lehane, resident evil, xover: btvs/hpotter, angel: cordelia chase, xover: avengers/resident evil, avengers: hawkeye, xover: angel/supernatural, teen wolf, angel, dollhouse: paul ballard, bloodlines: other characters, xover: true blood/tvd, xover: primeval/primeval new world, xover ship: claire/steve, primeval: abby/connor, xover ship: hermione/percy, angel: fred burkle, btvs: buffy/riley, batb: catherine chandler, fever: jericho barrons, xover ship: derek/jessica, fanfic, bloodlines: adrian ivashkov, xover ship: jacob/rachel, fanfic: when worlds collide, doctor who: amy/rory, avengers: other couples, bloodlines: jill dragomir, xover: hpotter/twilight, harry potter: hermione granger, beauty & the beast 2012, vampire academy: christian/lissa, xover: leverage/spn, leverage: eliot, fringe: alt!lincoln lee, primeval: jess parker, dollhouse: echo/paul, vampire diaries: rebekah mikaelson, torchwood: jack harkness, primeval: emily/matt, xover: drwho/primeval, resident evil: claire redfield, samurai girl: heaven/jake, bloodlines: sydney sage, teen wolf: derek hale, teen wolf: allison argent, btvs: faith/riley, primeval: abby maitland, xover: drwho/lost girl, primeval: samantha sedaris, lost girl: bo, doctor who: martha jones, angel: other characters, doctor who: 10, harry potter, blood ties: henry fitzroy, thor: jane/thor, vampire diaries: caroline/stefan, samurai girl: heaven, btvs: buffy summers, primeval: stephen hart, xover ship: dawn/sam, xover: teen wolf/tvd, doctor who: doctor/rose, btvs: tara maclay, vampire academy: adrian/sydney
sarah_jones Jul 15, 2011 01:04
banner, harry potter: harry/hermione/ron, harry potter: tonks, harry potter: sirius black, manipulations, harry potter: luna lovegood, harry potter: luna/neville, harry potter: hermione granger, picspam, harry potter: ron weasley, harry potter, harry potter: remus/tonks, harry potter: hermione/ron, harry potter: ginny/harry, harry potter: harry potter, harry potter: remus lupin, harry potter: neville longbottom, harry potter: ginny weasley
sarah_jones Jul 02, 2011 19:19
xover ship: booth/buffy, xover: drwho/stargate, xover ship: chance/faith, lotr, torchwood, btvs: riley finn, xover: lost girl/spn, supernatural: dean/jo, xover ship: dean/prue, doctor who: sarah jane smith, roswell: maria deluca, doctor who: donna noble, xover ship: buffy/jacob, criminal minds, doctor who: 11, sg-1, xover: fringe/spn, xover: charmed/drwho, bones, supernatural: castiel, xover ship: dean/olivia, xover ship: doctor/michaela, doctor who: doctor/sally, doctor who: amy/jack, one tree hill: brooke davis, xover: spn/vmars, sarah jane adventures, smallville, lots, xover ship: buffy/richard, xover: btvs/stargate, doctor who: donna/doctor, law and order uk, twilight, lots: cara, sg: elizabeth weir, xover: drwho/got, blood ties, xover: charmed/spn, doctor who: astrid/doctor, true blood: eric northman, doctor who, doctor who: astrid peth, xover: multiple, xover: drwho/fringe, xover ship: brooke/dean, harry potter: sirius black, xover ship: doctor/faith, lost girl, lots: kahlan, xover ship: dean/maria, doctor who: tardis, charmed: prue halliwell, doctor who: gwen/doctor, supernatural: sam winchester, doctor who: doctor/river, smallville: clark kent, xover: drwho/lots, lotr: legolas, xover ship: bo/dean, fringe: olivia dunham, xover: drwho/sdoac, doctor who: rose tyler, xover, twilight: jacob black, sga, xover: btvs/smallville, xover ship: doctor/kahlan, supernatural: dean winchester, xover ship: doctor/olivia, btvs: angel/faith, btvs, supernatural: anna/dean, doctor who: christina de souza, xover: chuck/spn, xover: btvs/lots, xover ship: buffy/eric, doctor who: doctor/sarah jane, xover ship: buffy/sam, xover ship: dean/martha, angel: angel, sg: cameron mitchell, xover ship: doctor/prue, xover ship: belle/jack, doctor who: jack/rose, xover ship: dean/faith, chuck, xover ship: faith/spencer, doctor who: other couples, xover ship: buffy/cam, roswell, doctor who: amy pond, xover: btvs/true blood, xover ship: amy/dean, torchwood: other characters, xover: haven/spn, xover: drwho/spn, xover: lots/spn, xover ship: faith/jack, xover: btvs/lotr, xover: btvs/twilight, torchwood: other couples, xover: btvs/drwho, supernatural, doctor who: amy/doctor, xover ship: bo/jack, xover: drwho/twilight, doctor who: river song, doctor who: sally sparrow, xover: drwho/law and order, xover: btvs/torchwood, xover: btvs/human target, doctor who: other characters, xover ship: bella/doctor, supernatural: jo harvelle, xover ship: buffy/dean, xover ship: dean/veronica, torchwood: gwen cooper, doctor who: jack/jenny, true blood, supernatural: dean/lisa, fringe, xover ship: dean/max, xover ship: cara/jack, btvs: angel/buffy, xover ship: buffy/castiel, xover ship: buffy/clark, angel: other couples, xover ship: buffy/legolas, xover ship: faith/henry, twilight: bella swan/cullen, xover: btvs/supernatural, smallville: oliver queen, btvs: faith lehane, xover: btvs/hpotter, xover: bones/btvs, one tree hill, xover ship: faith/sirius, xover: angel/supernatural, doctor who: christina/doctor, xover: drwho/vmars, xover: drwho/firefly, xover ship: cara/dean, doctor who: 8, angel, dark angel, xover ship: dean/kahlan, doctor who: doctor/martha, btvs: buffy/riley, xover ship: doctor/elizabeth, xover: btvs/cminds, sg: john sheppard, xover ship: buffy/doctor, xover ship: faith/ronon, xover ship: faith/oliver, firefly, robin hood, doctor who: christina/jack, picspam, human target, secret diary of a callgirl, torchwood: jack harkness, sg: ronon dex, criminal minds: spencer reid, haven, xover ship: eric/faith, doctor who: jack/martha, xover: roswell/spn, xover: drwho/robin hood, xover ship: doctor/veronica, btvs: faith/riley, xover: drwho/lost girl, lots: richard, xover: drwho/drquinn, xover: blood ties/btvs, lost girl: bo, xover ship: doctor/marian, doctor who: martha jones, xover ship: faith/john, angel: other characters, doctor who: 10, xover ship: buffy/henry, xover ship: inara/jack, harry potter, xover: firefly/torchwood, charmed, torchwood: gwen/jack, xover ship: buffy/jack, xover ship: doctor/jo, xover: one tree hill/spn, btvs: buffy summers, doctor who: doctor/rose, xover ship: daenerys/doctor
sarah_jones Jun 26, 2011 05:30
xover ship: booth/buffy, primeval: emily merchant, true blood: alcide/sookie, xover ship: prue/sirius, xover ship: chance/faith, xover ship: bo/john, lotr, xover: angel/stargate, vampire diaries: damon salvatore, xover: ncis/stargate, sg-1, sg: teal'c, bones, supernatural: castiel, xover ship: dean/olivia, primeval: becker, smallville, btvs: dawn summers, moonlight: beth turner, lots, veronica mars, alias, sanctuary, sg: rodney mckay, twilight, lots: cara, jag, sg: elizabeth weir, xover: other, leverage, battlestar galactica, vampire diaries, sg: sam carter, sg: elizabeth/jack, harry potter: ginny weasley, blood ties, celeb: billie piper, xover: charmed/spn, true blood: eric northman, doctor who, ncis, xover: spn/true blood, xover: multiple, harry potter: sirius black, lost girl, xover ship: becker/faith, charmed: prue halliwell, xover ship: chloe/sam, supernatural: sam winchester, bsg: sharon/helo, sg: jennifer/john, xover ship: harry/prue, fanfic: torchwood us fanart, doctor who: doctor/river, smallville: clark kent, xover: btvs/charmed, xover ship: paige/sam, lotr: legolas, moonlight: mick st. john, true blood: other characters, fringe: olivia dunham, doctor who: rose tyler, xover, sga, sg: jack/sam, supernatural: dean winchester, xover ship: henry/veronica, btvs, vampire diaries: stefan salvatore, xover: chuck/spn, xover: charmed/lotr, banner, sg: elizabeth/john, doctor who: mickey smith, angel: angel, xover ship: prue/steve, sg: cameron mitchell, xover: smallville/spn, dresden files, primeval, sg: jennifer/ronon, charmed: phoebe halliwell, btvs: other characters, chuck, roswell, fanfic: new worlds fanart, charmed: paige matthews, xover ship: legolas/prue, xover ship: angel/vicki, vampire diaries: damon/elena, charmed: piper halliwell, xover ship: dean/sarah, xover: haven/spn, ghost whisperer, sg: john/sam, supernatural, sg: tamara johansen, xover: drwho/twilight, doctor who: river song, sg: ronon/teyla, sg: vala maldoran, xover: btvs/human target, tru calling, heroes, sg: teyla emmagan, true blood, fringe, xover: charmed/stargate, fanfic: it's only just beginning fanart, xover: blood ties/vmars, bsg: kara thrace, twilight: bella swan/cullen, sg: laura cadman, btvs: faith lehane, xover: charmed/dresden files, xover: btvs/hpotter, moonlight, xover: bones/btvs, xover ship: faith/sirius, xover ship: john/prue, sg: jack o'neill, bsg: sharon valerii, xover: jag/stargate, angel, bsg: kara/lee, xover: leverage/stargate, sg: jennifer keller, angel: fred burkle, sg: john sheppard, xover ship: audrey/dean, roswell: liz parker/evans, sg: cam/jennifer, harry potter: luna lovegood, xover: charmed/hpotter, harry potter: hermione granger, firefly, hawaii 5-0, true blood: sookie stackhouse, human target, sg: cam/sam, sg: daniel/vala, leverage: eliot, xover: btvs/primeval, xover ship: john/mac, sg: ronon dex, haven, bsg: karl 'helo' agathon, celeb: grace park, lost girl: bo, xover: blood ties/btvs, vampire diaries: elena gilbert, xover: sanctuary/stargate, angel: other characters, doctor who: 10, fringe: peter bishop, harry potter, xover: charmed/h50, sg: jennifer/rodney, charmed, btvs: buffy summers, smallville: chloe sullivan, xover ship: fred/john, sg: daniel jackson
sarah_jones Jun 13, 2011 03:12
primeval: emily merchant, xover ship: booth/olivia, xover ship: faith/jack, xover: drwho/stargate, lotr, torchwood, xover: btvs/twilight, xover: btvs/drwho, supernatural, supernatural: dean/jo, doctor who: sarah jane smith, doctor who: river song, doctor who: donna noble, xover ship: buffy/jacob, primeval: becker/jess, xover: btvs/torchwood, criminal minds, doctor who: 11, doctor who: other characters, supernatural: jo harvelle, bones, xover ship: dean/veronica, supernatural: castiel, torchwood: gwen cooper, primeval: becker, true blood, fringe, one tree hill: brooke davis, xover: spn/vmars, xover: stargate/torchwood, xover ship: buffy/castiel, sarah jane adventures, xover: bones/fringe, btvs: dawn summers, lots, xover ship: doctor/luna, bsg: kara thrace, veronica mars, xover: btvs/supernatural, btvs: faith lehane, one tree hill, twilight, lots: cara, jag, doctor who: rory williams, xover: other, leverage, battlestar galactica, xover ship: cara/dean, harry potter: ginny weasley, fanfic: criminal slayer fanart, lost girl: kenzi, true blood: eric northman, doctor who, doctor who: doctor/martha, xover: btvs/cminds, sg: john sheppard, roswell: liz parker/evans, xover: multiple, xover: drwho/fringe, xover ship: brooke/dean, harry potter: sirius black, xover ship: doctor/faith, harry potter: luna lovegood, lost girl, lots: kahlan, charmed: prue halliwell, doctor who: amy/rory, xover: charmed/hpotter, supernatural: sam winchester, true blood: sookie stackhouse, fanfic: torchwood us fanart, doctor who: doctor/river, fanfic: colonial crossover fanart, harry potter: ginny/harry, leverage: eliot, harry potter: harry potter, lotr: legolas, doctor who: 9, primeval: jess parker, doctor who: doctor/jack, harry potter: remus lupin, fringe: olivia dunham, doctor who: rose tyler, torchwood: jack harkness, xover, sga, twilight: jacob black, criminal minds: spencer reid, supernatural: dean winchester, doctor who: jack/martha, xover ship: doctor/olivia, btvs, banner, xover ship: doctor/veronica, xover ship: buffy/eric, xover ship: dean/martha, doctor who: mickey smith, lots: richard, supernatural: mary campbell/winchester, primeval, doctor who: martha jones, doctor who: 10, charmed: phoebe halliwell, doctor who: jack/rose, fringe: peter bishop, xover ship: dean/faith, true blood: eric/sookie, harry potter, xover ship: becker/martha, xover ship: faith/spencer, charmed, roswell, doctor who: amy pond, charmed: paige matthews, fanfic: new worlds fanart, xover: lotr/lots, btvs: buffy summers, primeval: stephen hart, xover ship: dawn/sam, xover: btvs/true blood, supernatural: other characters, doctor who: martha/mickey, charmed: piper halliwell
sarah_jones Apr 16, 2011 04:37
memes & other fun stuff, harry potter: sirius black, harry potter
sarah_jones Apr 13, 2011 19:29
xover ship: prue/sirius, xover: drwho/stargate, xena, lotr, torchwood, vampire diaries: damon salvatore, xover ship: dean/prue, xover ship: buffy/jacob, criminal minds, doctor who: 11, xover: charmed/drwho, primeval: becker, xover: spn/vmars, smallville, btvs: dawn summers, lots, xover ship: doctor/luna, veronica mars, law and order uk, twilight, lots: cara, xover: other, leverage, xover: lots/xena, icons, vampire diaries, xover: primeval/torchwood, harry potter: ginny weasley, point pleasant, xover: charmed/spn, doctor who, xover: farscape/stargate, xover: multiple, torchwood: ianto jones, harry potter: sirius black, lost girl, lots: kahlan, charmed: prue halliwell, percy jackson & the olympians, xover ship: chloe/sam, supernatural: sam winchester, xover: drwho/lots, lotr: legolas, xover: hpotter/pll, doctor who: rose tyler, lotr: aragorn, xover, twilight: jacob black, xover ship: doctor/kahlan, xover: angel/vampire diaries, xover: drwho/hpotter, supernatural: dean winchester, xover ship: hermione/legolas, xover: hpotter/narnia, btvs, merlin, xover ship: eliot/jo, xover ship: rose/stephen, xover ship: dean/martha, angel: angel, xover: smallville/spn, xover ship: doctor/prue, primeval, xover: hpotter/lotr, btvs: other characters, xover ship: dean/faith, fanfic: unusual temp. occurrences fanart, btvs: spike, doctor who: amy pond, fanfic: new worlds fanart, lotr: arwen, xover365days, btvs: willow rosenberg, xover ship: jo/xander, xover ship: katherine/spike, xover: drwho/spn, xover ship: faith/jack, xover: lost girl/torchwood, xover: btvs/twilight, supernatural, xover: btvs/drwho, xover ship: bo/jack, xover: hpotter/heroes of olympus, doctor who: sally sparrow, highlander, xover: drwho/law and order, xover ship: bella/doctor, supernatural: jo harvelle, torchwood: gwen cooper, xover: btvs/tvd, xover ship: angel/katherine, fanfic: it's only just beginning fanart, xover ship: doctor/morgana, twilight: bella swan/cullen, btvs: faith lehane, xover: btvs/supernatural, xover: drwho/vmars, doctor who: 8, angel, xover ship: hermione/percy, xover: leverage/stargate, chronicles of narnia, harry potter: luna lovegood, xover: charmed/hpotter, harry potter: hermione granger, robin hood, vampire diaries: katherine pierce, btvs: xander harris, xover: drwho/merlin, xover: leverage/spn, leverage: eliot, harry potter: harry potter, torchwood: jack harkness, criminal minds: spencer reid, xover: hpotter/lots, xover: drwho/primeval, xover ship: aragorn/kahlan, xover: drwho/robin hood, xover ship: doctor/veronica, xover: drwho/lost girl, lost girl: bo, xover ship: cara/snape, xover: drwho/drquinn, doctor who: martha jones, xover ship: doctor/marian, angel: other characters, doctor who: 10, harry potter, charmed, primeval: stephen hart, smallville: chloe sullivan, xover: lotr/lots, xover ship: dawn/sam, doctor who: doctor/rose, xover: drwho/highlander/torchwood
sarah_jones Apr 11, 2011 20:19
xover ship: booth/buffy, xover ship: prue/sirius, manipulations, xover ship: chance/faith, xover ship: bo/john, torchwood, xover: angel/stargate, xover: lost girl/spn, criminal minds, doctor who: 11, xover: cminds/hpotter, sg-1, bones, xover ship: hermione/spencer, supernatural: castiel, lots: denna, xover ship: chance/fred, primeval: becker, xover: bones/fringe, smallville, btvs: dawn summers, lots, xover: lost girl/true blood, celeb: jeanette biedermann, veronica mars, alias, twilight, lots: cara, xover: other, battlestar galactica, xover: lots/xena, sg: eli wallace, icons, harry potter: ginny weasley, blood ties, being human, sg: auroras 1st officer, xover: charmed/spn, true blood: eric northman, xover: multiple, xover: drwho/fringe, harry potter: sirius black, lost girl, lots: kahlan, charmed: prue halliwell, covert affairs, supernatural: sam winchester, fanfic: torchwood us fanart, harry potter: ron weasley, smallville: clark kent, harry potter: hermione/ron, harry potter: ginny/harry, xover ship: paige/sam, xover ship: bo/dean, fringe: olivia dunham, doctor who: rose tyler, xover, sga, twilight: jacob black, sg: cam/tj, supernatural: dean winchester, xover ship: doctor/olivia, xover: listener/true blood, xover ship: henry/veronica, btvs, banner, xover ship: buffy/eric, xover ship: dean/martha, angel: angel, sg: cameron mitchell, xover ship: bo/eric, xover: cminds/stargate, primeval, doctor who: jack/rose, xover ship: dean/faith, xover ship: becker/martha, fanfic: unusual temp. occurrences fanart, fanfic: new worlds fanart, doctor who: amy pond, charmed: paige matthews, xover: btvs/true blood, angel: illyria, xover ship: amy/dean, doctor who: jenny, xover ship: jo/xander, xover: haven/spn, xover: drwho/spn, xover ship: booth/olivia, supernatural, xover: btvs/drwho, sg: tamara johansen, xover ship: bo/jack, xover: hpotter/heroes of olympus, sg: vala maldoran, xover: btvs/human target, supernatural: jo harvelle, doctor who: jack/jenny, true blood, fringe, lots: zedd, btvs: angel/buffy, xover: charmed/stargate, xover ship: buffy/castiel, fanfic: it's only just beginning fanart, doctor who: amy/rose, xover: angel/human target, xover ship: castiel/illyria, btvs: faith lehane, xover ship: hermione/jacob, xover: btvs/supernatural, xover: btvs/hpotter, xover: bones/btvs, xover: angel/supernatural, xover: drwho/vmars, angel, angel: fred burkle, doctor who: doctor/martha, sg: john sheppard, xover ship: audrey/dean, sgu, anna und die liebe, fanfic, xover ship: buffy/doctor, ficlet, doctor who: amy/rory, xover: charmed/hpotter, xover: alias/covert affairs, xover: hpotter/twilight, harry potter: hermione granger, btvs: xander harris, true blood: sookie stackhouse, picspam, human target, xover ship: sookie/toby, harry potter: harry potter, torchwood: jack harkness, criminal minds: spencer reid, xover: drwho/primeval, haven, xover ship: doctor/veronica, xover: lost girl/stargate, xover: drwho/lost girl, lots: richard, lost girl: bo, xover: blood ties/btvs, drabble, doctor who: martha jones, doctor who: 10, xover ship: buffy/henry, harry potter, charmed, xover: lotr/lots, btvs: buffy summers, xover ship: dawn/sam, doctor who: doctor/rose, sg: daniel jackson, celeb: roy peter link
sarah_jones Jan 07, 2011 16:22
harry potter: harry potter, harry potter: remus lupin, memes & other fun stuff, harry potter: sirius black, harry potter: ginny weasley, harry potter: hermione granger, harry potter: ginny/sirius, picspam, harry potter: ron weasley, harry potter, harry potter: hermione/ron, harry potter: ginny/harry